Osrs f2p magic calculator
Osrs f2p magic calculator

osrs f2p magic calculator

Do suicide bodies to 99 runecraft (alternatively do earth runes). (a video performing the method is linked at the end of the guide)Ģ1. Do telegrab nats with all your laws runes left.Ģ0.5 Take all your nats to the dwarven mine and superheat iron. The route is identical to fally tele silver, just don’t stop at the furnace.Ģ0. Mine and bank 2.5k gold ore (Use essence whilst banking if you are not doing suicide bodies). Kill Moss giants to 99 str and 93 attackġ7.5 Get 93-99 attack, and 76-99 defence at ogresses.ġ8. Bank 1.73m essence and 0 firemake your logs from 96 wcing when you are out of run (video in Links)ġ7. Boost to 90 Smithing with a dwarven stout and smith a rune axe and rune scim.ġ5.5 Bank all logs to 96 Woodcut, then power chop to 99. Then use all your nats via superheating iron, which will get you exactly 89 smithing.ġ5. Get based 76 melees at moss giants with runeswordġ4.5 Use all the laws you have and telegrab nats with them. This will get you close to 85 smithing and enough smithing for rune scim.ġ4. (can be completed at any point)ġ2.5 Get 40-53 melees with rune sword at hill giants for rune kite and 53-70 melees at moss giants for 4 rune bars and a good combat level to start telegrabbing natsġ3.Use 9.4k laws to get 11.8m crafting xp. Once you can afford 223K feathers, get 99 Fishing and Cooking with trout and salmon. Ranged).ġ1.5 Afterwards, go to moss giants in the varrock sewers, for 90-99 ranged (with addy arrows)ġ2. Invest all the GP you made from your previous time at ogresses into addy arrows, and head back to Corsair Cove (buying arrows is covered in 2.1. It’s time for 50-90 Ranged with your new power amulet. Get 70 Crafting with chronicle tele tiarasġ1. Get your Ranged to at least 50, then kill ogresses until you have at least 518 lawsġ0. Get 40/40/40 melees if you haven’t already so you can equip rune pickaxe and armor.ĩ. Make a strength amulet, and train melees to sufficient levels for ElvargĨ. Train Crafting 40-50 at Varrock southwest with teles (60 laws)Ħ. Stay at the mine and get 40 Crafting with tiaras.Ĥ. Train Crafting to 16 with leather, then craft silver symbols in the Al Kharid mine to 23. There’s a link at the end of the guide to a video onĢ. Multiquest most of the F2P quests (SKIP Rune Mysteries). If differences in training methods occur, they’re explained under a “Talisman Farmers” heading.ġ. This will save you about 50-100 hours getting 99 Runecraft, but you’ll have to do some other things differently as well. If you stay on the first step of the quest, you can collect air talismans from Duke Horacio. NOTE: If you’re starting a fresh account, it’s crucial that you don’t progress at all in Rune Mysteries. He has a UIM startup guide on YouTube which covers the early steps in detail. This is a rough outline of how your account should progress credit to Autumn Elegy for his work on optimizing the early game. While there’s a lot of flexibility in the path you take to max total, there’s generally a particular order in which you should complete goals in order to maintain your efficiency. This is an advanced guide the early game will only be covered briefly. If you hate change and enjoy numbingly repetitive gameplay with a near-total lack of high level content, this is the perfect game mode for you.

osrs f2p magic calculator

It can definitely be done, but you’ll have to endure the same few low XP/H tasks for sometimes thousands of hours at a time. In contrast to that, most new F2P ironmen burn out or go P2P within a few months.

osrs f2p magic calculator

It takes at least 8,300H assuming you’re always focused and at 100% efficiency, which means you’ll be playing this account for a reasonable fraction of your total time on this earth.

osrs f2p magic calculator

If you’re really interested in maxing an F2P ironman, you should know what you’re getting yourself into. Special thanks to UncleTomas for his help developing, testing, and optimizing skilling methods. no skillers, pures, or any other silly account builds). It assumes you’ll be playing with efficiency in mind, and that you aren’t imposing any artificial restrictions on your account (ie. It’s written for greyhelms specifically (sorry, ults), but some of the XP rates and training methods apply to ults as well. This guide aims to give the most efficient approach to maxing an F2P ironman.

Osrs f2p magic calculator